5. Distributed Locking and Distributed Consensus

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Distributed Locking and Distributed Consensus

In a program, sometimes we need to lock a resource. Think about a physical device, like a printer: we only want one program to print at a time. Locking applies to lots of other kinds of resources too, often when we need to update multiple pieces of data in consistent ways in a multi-threaded context.

How to do distributed locking

We need to be able to do locking in distributed systems as well. Read Martin Kleppmann’s article How to do distributed locking.

What are the two main reasons to do distributed locking?

It turns out that in terms of computer science, distributed locking is theoretically equivalent to reliably electing a single leader (like in database replication, for example). It is also logically the same as determining the exact order that a sequence of events on different machines in a distributed system occur. All of these are useful.


An algorithm that you should know about is the RAFT distributed consensus protocol: read https://raft.github.io/raft.pdf.

  • Under what circumstances is a RAFT cluster available?
  • What does the leader do?
  • Is there always a leader?
  • How is a leader elected?
  • What happens if one replica falls behind the leader, i.e. the leader has committed transactions that the replica doesn’t have?
  • What happens if a server is replaced?

Read about the operational characteristics of distributed consensus algorithms in Managing Critical State.

  • What are the scaling limitations of distributed consensus algorithms?
  • How can we scale read-heavy workloads?

Project work for this section

See raft-otel project. This project is an opportunity to explore the RAFT distributed consensus protocol through the medium of distributed tracing.

Further Optional Reading

Discuss any of these pieces at office hours with Laura.

Dan Luu’s list of postmortems
includes a lot of interesting stories of real-world distributed systems failure
Jeff Hodges’ Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods
is a very practical take on distributed systems topics.
Alvaro Videla’s blog post and talks about learning distributed systems
are accessible and well organised.
Marc Brooker’s blog
is full of interesting pieces, which are very approachable.
The SRE Book
is available in full online and is worth reading - it addresses many aspects of operating distributed software systems.
Aphyr (Kyle Kingsbury)
provides detailed notes for a distributed systems class he teaches.
A Distributed Systems Reading List
will keep you reading excellent distributed systems papers for many many months.